Friday, August 16, 2013

A is for Apple, A-A-Apple!

Dear Beanie,

Have I told you lately that you amaze me? You are such a smart little cookie! I started singing the song 'A is for Apple, A-A-Apple' yesterday while we were in the bathroom, and you zoomed out of there and came back with the apple from your fruit puzzle. AWESOME! So I have been testing you! Without any hints at all, this morning I asked you to bring me your toothpaste, and you did. I asked for your crocodile, and huzzah! There he was! And today we were skyping with your Nanny and she said that you seem pretty tired and look ready for bed, and you started waving bye-bye. You really understand now!

Apples seem to be one of your favourite things at the moment - The apple song, the apple puzzle piece, spooning cold apple puree into your ouchy mouth all by yourself, and even learning how to wangle that difficult task of eating an apple whole.

It's your Daddy's birthday tomorrow... so when you wake up, we will get to it making him something special :) But it's a surprise!

I love you, little one.

Love Mummy.
Apples and good friends at the badi. It's a good life :) 

1 comment:

  1. What a clever clogs!
    And now I have that song in my head...B is for ball, B, B, ball!
