Sick again! The winters here sure knock us all around, eh? Despite having a terrible cold, you have had one of your cutest days today. Your brain's language centre is obviously going gang-busters, with major overnight developments, and you seem to be coming right into the phase of imaginary and pretend play, where you have actually made a real connection with one of your stuffed animals. Not taking anything away from your odd connection with the online-banking calculator that has to go with us everywhere, of course...
I could not have been more surprised when you woke up this morning, after such an horrific night, saying, 'Good morning! Open window?' instead of just, 'Mamma! Mamma!' Wow! Your brain must really be exploding right now! As an aside, I've come to realise that this is potentially why daycare is so rough for you at the moment: You are revelling in your new-found communication skills here with your daddy and I, but they are getting you nowhere with German speakers. You do occasionally throw some German around here, though, in the most unpredictable of circumstances, which makes me giggle and makes us very proud.
At breakfast, you got your puppy dog (His name is Ooboo, which was your response when Nanny once asked you his name. In hindsight, we think this was perhaps your attempt at saying your own name.), put a bib on him, sat him next to you, fed him a breakfast muffin and spooned him some puffs using the aeroplane noise. Oh the cuteness!
At least Ooboo eats those super healthy and yummy muffins I make! |
It's after 7.30pm, my love, and I need to go to bed while I can. It is amazing a woman can survive on so little sleep.... and who knows what havoc lies ahead of us on this still night...
I love you, my darling. It breaks my heart when you wake up so sick, moaning 'No. No. No ouchies. No more, mummy, No more.' but I promise you that it won't last forever and you will be healthy again soon.
Love you all the time.
Love Mummy.
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