We have had a pretty quiet morning, playing with your new Christmas toys, rearranging my tupperware and my cutlery, and going for a little walk to the playground. We were just sitting on the rug playing with your Lego when you started to say something with real indignation. It sounded a little like "Big truck", but I hadn't heard a truck, so I said, "No truck," and kept on playing. Your little brow furrowed, you thought hard and tried again. "Mooo truck." Hmm. Were you remembering a milk truck we had seen that morning perhaps? I said sorry, I'm not sure what you mean...
So you stood up with a huff, came to my laptop, picked it up (which you are not allowed to do), brought it over to me and said "Moo truck! Moo truck! Oo Ah Oo Ah Oo Ah!" And then I got it: Music! The "Oo Ah" is the sound I make as we dance to a specific song (40 Day Dream from Edward Sharp and the Magnetic Zeroes. We always do deep squats during the Oo Ah bit and you love it.), and I use Spotify to play music from my laptop. So I said to you, "Oh! Music!" and you should have seen the look on your face! I immediately put on 40 Day Dream and you almost burst with joy! You ran in circles squealing, then raced up to me, grabbed my arm and wiggled me around to dance with you. I lifted you up for the Oo Ahs and you nuzzled in for the biggest cuddle.
It's moments like this... this is the reason why I write to you. It's little things like this that I don't want to forget.
An entirely unrelated photo, but I can't write a letter without a photo when I have so many good ones! |
Love Mummy.