Thursday, October 3, 2013

Portrait Series - 10/52: My Woodland Elf

Dear Beanie,

A portrait of my son, once a week, every week.
My Woodland Elf

Another seriously tough week to choose just one portrait of you!

I've chosen this one from our wonderful little hike through our local forest last Sunday morning. It was so wonderful, in fact, that we have decided to make it a family tradition, in the same way that my family always had a roast on Sundays. We will have a little forest walk on Sundays. Rain, hail, snow, sunshine. That's how wonderful it was!

Grabbing a pear for morning tea
We took you in our new hiking backpack that we bought from a local children's second-hand market and we wandered into the woods in search of an elusive waterfall that we had heard about but never discovered. As soon as we reached the forest, we took you out to walk, and you absolutely loved it! You raced down little paths, bashed your way over fallen tree branches and almost tumbled down a ravine (though I am trying to forget that one). When we came across the stream -- wait, it is a stream? A small river? A brook? A creek? What are the real differences here? -- we knew we must be close to the waterfall, so your daddy and I were excited to really up the pace and get a wriggle on.

But you? Oh no. There was no way we were going anywhere. Despite the freezing water, you were desperate to get in there and have a splash about. It seems you are developing tough little Aussie feet!

We did end up following the... brook upstream and found what we thought was the waterfall, but it turns out we only found the 'little' one! This Sunday, we will find the big one!

I love you, my little nature boy!

Love, Mummy.

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