You have grown up so much in the past week. You amaze me! Every single day! But you know this. The latest thing you've amazed me with is your ability to understand me. I know it is the catch-cry of many parents: "They understand more than you think they do". But... well, turns out it is true.
We have been trying to get you to sleep through the night for your whole life, little boy, and you are simply not having any of it. You have come to expect two bottles of milk in the night (plus another just before bed) and nothing we do will make you stop that. Or at least until now. A few days ago I had the grand idea of actually talking with you about it, explaining what will happen that night (you will have one big bottle before you get into bed, and then no more bottles until the sun comes up) and that you are a big boy now, and big boys don't have bottles in bed. You were happily doing a drawing at the time of this conversation, and then your brow began to furrow at all this talk of the night to come. You immediately ran up to your bottles and asked for one then and there. You had a whole bottle unexpectedly, and then absolutely stocked up on food before bed time. Snacks, a huge dinner, more snacks, more bottle, water, etc. And then you did it! You slept through! It's like you really understood!
Sure, it hasn't happened every night, but there is a definitely improvement, and I am sure it is largely because we are talking to you about everything now. You are down to one bottle instead of two, which is bearable, and even that is a small one. And, to be honest, it kind of seems like you are trying to not have it... which I can't really explain, but it is a feeling I get when I go into your room in the dark at 2am. I couldn't be more proud of you!
I can't really pinpoint it, actually, but you just seem bigger now. You seem more confident. You have a real personality and are not afraid to show it. You're my little boy now. But you'll always be my baby, don't you worry.
I love you.
Love Mummy.
Get off me, Mummy! I know you love me! |
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