Friday, May 17, 2013

One year ago...

Your first morning, about 14 hours old
 One year ago, you were one day old. Last night your daddy and I watched a video of you as a one day old baby and tried to remember. I wish I had filmed you for an hour, watching your little face make tiny movements, your little tongue peek out to say hello and tell me that you are getting hungry, your little mittened hands swiping away at your perfect squishy face. I remember the feeling of being so far out of my depth, of having no idea what I had gotten myself into, of being suddenly conscious of the fact that my number one role in life from now on was to make sure that you kept breathing. I remember being amazed that I had not eaten or slept for three days (and I was not going to sleep for another three) and yet I felt like I could swim to Rottnest Island, run around it ten times, and perhaps lift a few trucks over my head for good measure.

This is happiness!
The next video we watched was of the first time we took you outside. You were in the baby-wrap, held tightly to your daddy's chest, peacefully snoozing away. I think this is the most precious video that I have ever seen (in fact I'm getting teary just thinking about it), just seeing your dad so incredibly overwhelmed with joy at being able to hold you. I'm sure you know this video, by the time you read this. I'm sure I'll make you watch it a hundred times.

I might NOT make you watch the video of me giving birth to you... Yikes. We watched it for the first time last night... and I don't want to talk about it any more than that. Yes, I love you, and yes, you were worth it!

One year old. You are such a little boy now. I know I'm technically not meant to call you a baby anymore, but you'll always be my baby. It has been such a joy to watch you overcome all the obstacles of your first year, to survive them with you, with your amazing dad at my side. To watch you grow into a real person with your own very distinct personality, with your gentle and thoughtful nature, with your cautious and careful way of dealing with new situations, with your incredible giggle!

I love you, bubbaloo. And I can't wait to watch you continue to discover this beautiful world around you, to push you out into it and watch you thrive. Though don't forget to keep giving me cuddles.

Big big big smooshy hug,
Love your mummy.

My beautiful boy, one year on.

One year later... I forget what it was like to have a boy who will be still for a moment!

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